TLWZ-150 Concrete straight beam bending test Device(Notation:锛Place concrete straight beam on the position of flange beam when the actual expe riment)
The maximum testing force is 150KN. The span is 1800mm. Weighing about 600kg锛宒imensions锛2600脳1560脳2132. Hand-loaded screw jack(1:18 through the sprocket chain and
gear transmission), sensor measures the force and the electronic instrument displays the number of force, force error of less than 1%. Under the experimental device beams off the ground near 180mm锛 it's convenient to load or unload reinforced concrete beams and other objects by manual hydr aulic forklift. Straight beam of reinforced concrete reference dimensions 锛歀脳W脳H =2000脳120脳200.User owned. |